- With the USA holding such a significant role on the world stage, pray about Donald Trump’s second term as President as he takes office on Monday 20th. Pray that power and wealth will not be the defining features of his presidency but that it will be characterised by justice and equality.
- Pray for all those who have lost everything in the fires in and around Los Angeles. Remember those who have lost loved ones. Pray for the firefighters still tackling the fires with weather conditions worsening.
- UNICEF has reported that around 17,000 children have been separated from their parents or guardians in Gaza. Many of the children are too young to know their names and remain unidentifiable, making re-uniting them with their families an uphill struggle. Pray that God will miraculously intervene in this situation.
- Pray that the cease fire in Gaza will hold and may be a step towards future peace.
- Continue to pray for the NHS as more hospitals declare critical incidents due to numbers admitted with flu and other winter viruses.
- With a rise in knife crime, pray that young people will not feel the need to carry knives or other weapons to ensure their safety. Remember those who have lost family members due to knife crime and pray for the police who attend distressing incidents.
Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God.
Psalm 146: 5