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About us: prayer

  • Give thanks that the alliance of rebel groups in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have declared a humanitarian ceasefire. Since the start of this year 400,000 people have been forced to flee their homes. Pray that people will be able to return to their homes and that aid will reach those who need it. Pray too for Baptist Unions in North Kivu working together to provide shelter, food and hope to many displaced by the conflict.
  • Remember those who have had to leave the Greek island of Santorini due to earthquakes that may last several weeks. Pray for the safety of those who remain.
  • Pray for those caught up in the shooting on a Swedish school campus this week.
  • Pray for all those affected by the death of Harvey Willgoose, following a stabbing at a school in Sheffield last Monday.
  • Continue to pray for the family and friends of Leo Ross.
  • Pray for the Mayor of Birmingham Ken Wood, the West Midlands Mayor Richard Parker, Alistair Carns our local MP, and local councillors Philip Davis, Katherine Iroh and Adam Higgs as they work for the people of Birmingham and for our local community. Pray that they will have wisdom and insight into the needs of those living in our city.
  • Pray for the people of Gaza as they make their way to the north of the country. Many will find they do not have a home to return to.  Ask God to comfort those who mourn the loss of loved ones and the life they have previously known.
  • Continue to pray about the war in Ukraine. Pray for both Ukrainians and Russians


My righteousness draws near speedily, my salvation is on the way, and my arm will bring justice to the nations. The islands will look to me and wait in hope for my arm.

Isaiah 51:5




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