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What's on: Sundays

Samuel 17

This Sunday is Remembrance Sunday and during the service we will be remembering the service and sacrifice of all those that have defended our freedoms and protected our way of life.

Our series on 'Learning the Faith from those who lived it' is looking at Hebrews 11: 32-35 and putting armies to flight.  Our service starts at 10:30 am


Where possible we try to record the sermons, if you wish to catch-up on previous service sermons, please use this link - YWBC YouTube Videos

If you wish to catch-up on previous playlists, please use this link - YWBC Youtube Playlists
Please do not attend if you have any of the main Covid-19 symptoms (High Temperature, new continuous cough, temperature, loss of taste or smell). Please follow government guidance on self-isolation if you do experience symptoms.


Thank you for helping to keep everyone safe.

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