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What's on: Sundays

Samuel 17

This Sunday in our new series 'A Cloud of Witnesses: Learning the Faith from Those Who Lived it' we're looking at Promises, Promises as told in Hebrews 11: 8-12    Our service starts at 10:30 am


On the 21st July Bernice was ordained here, and the audio of the service is available by clicking this link  Bernice's Ordination . This is also accessible via the 'Resources / Listen to sermons' tab.


Where possible we try to record the sermons, if you wish to catch-up on previous service sermons, please use this link - YWBC YouTube Videos

If you wish to catch-up on previous playlists, please use this link - YWBC Youtube Playlists
Please do not attend if you have any of the main Covid-19 symptoms (High Temperature, new continuous cough, temperature, loss of taste or smell). Please follow government guidance on self-isolation if you do experience symptoms.


Thank you for helping to keep everyone safe.

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