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What's on: Sundays

trev 150 x 225Our Sunday morning worship services start at 10:30am, usually lasting between 75 and 90 minutes. On some Sunday mornings we all stay together for a family service, but for most of the services our children and young people leave after about half an hour. We have a crèche for babies and toddlers, Sparklers for pre-school children, All Stars for primary school ages, and Lasers for our young people.  All volunteers working with children are CRB checked, and we follow the Baptist Union’s ‘Safe to Grow’ policies.

Our worship services include a mixture of modern songs and some hymns, prayer (for our world, community and ourselves) and also teaching on the Bible. Usually one of our ministers preaches, or we may hear from a number of other lay preachers in the church.

After the service there is tea and coffee, and time for a chat.

We have occasional evening services at 6.30pm.. These tend to be more informal, reflective services, with plenty of time for contemplation and prayer. See latest news for dates.

What should I expect? Our format is very simple – some songs and hymns, an activity slot for children, prayers for our church, community and the wider world and a sermon, which lasts from 25 to 30 minutes, usually given by one of our ministers. We don't assume that everyone knows what to do, so don't worry about that - you can relax, and we'll 'walk' you through it. After the service, most of us stay behind to catch up over tea and coffee.

How long will the service last? Normally, between 75 to 90 minutes.

What should I wear? Jeans, shorts, casuals, suit – anything that makes you feel comfortable.

What will I hear? Teaching from Scripture is really important to us at YWBC. Generally, we work through books of the Bible, trying to discern its message for our personal lives and our life together as a church.

We are currently having a themed service on the same week each month:

 Monthly plan 2


Who else will be there? Our church family is a community open to all people, regardless of where they are in their spiritual journey. This is a great place to meet a very diverse group of people and become a part of a supportive community .

Will there be a collection? Yes, but this is for the people who come on a regular basis, and many people give by bank standing order. If you haven’t come prepared for this, don’t worry, just pass the bag on to the next person.

What about communion?  On the third Sunday morning of each month, we share together in eating bread and drinking non-alcoholic wine, a time which helps us remember the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. The bread and wine are available to all Christian believers (it doesn’t matter what other church you might normally attend). If you don’t believe or are unsure, just let the bread and wine pass you by.

Where should I park? There is some parking available within the church car park (entrance off Daisy Farm Road), with additional spaces available on local side streets.

Sunday 26th January

Samuel 17

On Sunday we are looking at Nicodemus' encounter with Jesus as told in John 3: 1-21.    Our service starts at 10:30


Where possible we try to record the sermons, if you wish to catch-up on previous service sermons, please use this link - YWBC YouTube Videos

If you wish to catch-up on previous playlists, please use this link - YWBC Youtube Playlists
Please do not attend if you have any of the main Covid-19 symptoms (High Temperature, new continuous cough, temperature, loss of taste or smell). Please follow government guidance on self-isolation if you do experience symptoms.


Thank you for helping to keep everyone safe.

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