Welcome to Yardley Wood Baptist Church

a growing church with a heart for God and its community.

Sunday Services

10th November - Remembrance Sunday

Samuel 17

This Sunday is Remembrance Sunday and during the service we will be remembering the service and sacrifice of all those that have defended our freedoms and protected our way of life.

Our series on 'Learning the Faith from those who lived it' is looking at Hebrews 11: 32-35 and putting armies to flight.  Our service starts at 10:30 am


Where possible we try to record the sermons, if you wish to catch-up on previous service sermons, please use this link - YWBC YouTube Videos

If you wish to catch-up on previous playlists, please use this link - YWBC Youtube Playlists
Please do not attend if you have any of the main Covid-19 symptoms (High Temperature, new continuous cough, temperature, loss of taste or smell). Please follow government guidance on self-isolation if you do experience symptoms.


Thank you for helping to keep everyone safe.

News and events

Internship Opportunity

Ukraine map

We are pleased to announce that we are looking for an intern to come and join with us in our work here at Yardley Wood!

We would love to have an intern who would like experience of working in a challenging urban church, particularly helping with children and youth but also working with the Place of Welcome that supports the Food Pantry. 

We would offer pastoral support and training for an intern and a varied experience of what God is doing in Yardley Wood. 

There's too much to put down here, so please use the link below to find out all the details about this exciting post!

YWBC Intern Job Description


This Week at Yardley Wood

Ukraine map

 Tues  10:30 am  Bible Book Club
 Tues  7:30 pm

  Bible Book Club: John 8-14
(at Ammar and Sunila's)

Weds  9:30 am  Morning Prayer
Weds 10:00 am-12:45 pm  Coffee and Pantry
Thurs  3:00 pm  Bible Book Club (in church)
Fri  9:30-11:45 am  Coffee and Pantry 


Ukraine map

Please keep praying for the situation in Ukraine:

  • For the people of Ukraine as they try to defend their country
  • For a just and peaceful resolution
  • For our politicians to keep aid flowing and to keep pressure on Russia

Bible Book Club

Ukraine map

We have now started our Bible Book Clubs! for details of the next meetings please click 'Next Meetings Details'  below.

 'Next Meetings Details'




Your local pantry is OPEN

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We run "Yardley Wood Pantry", a community food store run by volunteers for the benefit of local people.

Pantry and Places of Welcome will be closed this week on Wed Oct 30th and Fri Nov 1st

Pantry is otherwise open on Wednesdays from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm and Fridays from 10:00 am -12:00 noon.

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