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What's on: latest news and events

Ukraine map

We are pleased to announce that we are looking for an intern to come and join with us in our work here at Yardley Wood!

We would love to have an intern who would like experience of working in a challenging urban church, particularly helping with children and youth but also working with the Place of Welcome that supports the Food Pantry. 

We would offer pastoral support and training for an intern and a varied experience of what God is doing in Yardley Wood. 

There's too much to put down here, so please use the link below to find out all the details about this exciting post!

YWBC Intern Job Description


This Week at Yardley Wood

Ukraine map

 Tues  10:30 am  Bible Book Club
Weds  9:30 am  Morning Prayer
Weds 10:00 am-12:45 pm  Coffee and Pantry
Thurs  3:00 pm  Prayer meeting (in church)
Fri  9:30-11:45 am  Coffee and Pantry 


Ukraine map

Please keep praying for the situation in Ukraine:

  • For the people of Ukraine as they try to defend their country
  • For a just and peaceful resolution
  • For our politicians to keep aid flowing and to keep pressure on Russia

Bible Book Club

Ukraine map

We have now started our Bible Book Clubs! for details of the next meetings please click 'Next Meetings Details'  below.

 'Next Meetings Details'



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